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<--The Filter--> May 2005

No. 7.04 <--The Filter--> 5.02.05


* March 31, 2005: Microsoft files lawsuit against 117 unidentified “phishers” in a Seattle court *

Microsoft's lawsuit, announced on March 31, rests on its claim that phishers insert Microsoft's trademark in their emails and on their websites.  "Phishers" obtain and misuse personal information from individuals, like those who use MSN or Hotmail email services, by spamming them with emails that appear to be from legitimate service providers.  In 2003, Microsoft successfully subpoenaed an ISP provider for the name of a particularly successful phisher.

For the story:


For a fun twist on the story -- check out the BBC's article, "Geek speak confuses net users":

* OpenNet Initiative Presents “Internet Filtering in China in 2004-2005” to US-China Commission *

Integrating several years of sustained research, the OpenNet Initiative (of which the Berkman Center for Internet & Society is a part) released a report on Internet censorship in China April 14 at the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission’s Capitol Hill hearing on China’s state control mechanisms and methods.  “Internet Filtering in China” documents the degree and extent to which the Chinese government controls and manipulates the information environment in which its citizens live, including websites, blogs, email, and online discussion forums.  ONI’s analysis found that government-mandated filtering in China has reached new levels of sophistication and breadth as it apparently tries to keep pace with evolving uses of the Internet for political expression, group organization, and access to sensitive materials ranging from heatlh information to debates about Taiwan and Tibet.

The OpenNet Initiative’s report on filtering in China was extremely well-received by national and international media, including the Associated Press.  Since its release, more than 40,000 copies have been issued worldwide.

Report: <>

Written Testimony: <>


* MGM vs. Grokster Argued Before Supreme Court *

The US Supreme Court heard arguments in the closely watched MGM v. Grokster case on March 29. Berkman affiliate and Harvard Law School LLM student Tim Armstrong was in the audience, and Tim's line-by-line blog account of the hearing was picked up by several major blogs. Copyfight had a post linking to several other reactions to the hearing from around the legal blogosphere, including that of EFF lawyer and Berkman Fellow Wendy Seltzer. A month prior, Berkman Center faculty members Terry Fisher, Jonathan Zittrain and John Palfrey submitted an amici curiae brief on the Grokster case on March 1. The brief urged the Court not to modify the standard set 20 years ago in the Sony-Betamax decision, exempting from liability the distributors of technologies that are “capable of substantial noninfringing uses” even if they are also often used for infringing purposes.

Tim Armstrong: <>

Copyfight: <>

Brief: <>

The official transcript of the oral argument:  <>.



* The Berkman Center for Internet & Society announces a formal working partnership with the Oxford Internet Institute (OII), the world’s first fully multidisciplinary Internet research center.  The partnership’s aim is to internationalize the theory and study of the global Internet and its implications.  The partnership is further enhanced by the appointment of Assistant Professor Jonathan Zittrain to the Professorship of Internet Governance and Regulation at Oxford University, a position which is attached to the OII. Zittrain will be the first holder of this professorship, and will also become the Berkman Visiting Professor at Harvard Law School.

OII: <>

OII Press Release: <>


* Signal or Noise 2: Creative Revolution? *

The second Signal or Noise conference was held at Harvard Law School on April 8, 2005. A diverse audience of musicians, artists, lawyers, academics and others spent the day in conversation about the future of art and creativity in a digital world. Among the many highlights --  rock musician Mike Doughty demonstrated the evolution of chords and melodies in his songs that build on other musicians’ work; Paul Marino demoed the emerging medium of “machinima”; and Michael Bell-Smith walked attendees through the process digital remixers used to build vastly different 30-second songs from the same 3-note sequence of sampled music. Panel discussions ranged from the ways artists throughout history have built their creations on others' work, to the differing responses of artists to remixes of their creations. A briefing book of articles on the themes of the conference and audio recordings of the event are now available on the Signal or Noise homepage.






*I-LAW, June 22-24: Registration for the Berkman Center’s Internet Law Program is open.  This annual conference on Internet and the law explores the changing legal systems governing the Internet and the implications for a wide range of people and their organizations, and is designed for everyone involved in the debate on digital content protection, intellectual property management, and asset protection. Among this year’s courses -- “Lessons from the Domain Name Controversy”; “Content Layer: The Future of Copyright on the Internet”; “Free Culture”; and “Peer Production of Information.” Courses are taught by experts in the field of Internet and Law – Lawrence Lessig, Jonathan Zittrain, Yochai Benkler, William W. Fisher III, and Charles Nesson.

Conference: <>


* April 21-22, 2005, San Antonio, Texas - Conference on Business and the Internet

* April 27-28, 2005, Cambridge, UK - International Forum on "Less is More - Simple Computing in an Age of Complexity"


* May 9-12, 2005, Singapore - Workshop on Internet Communications Security

* May 10-14, 2005, Chiba, Japan - Fourteenth International World Wide Web Conference

* May 16, 2005, New York, New York - Personal Democracy Forum

* May 17-18, 2005, New York, New York - Syndicate

* May 20-22, 2005, Stanford, California - Online Deliberation 2005

* May 23-26, 2005, San Diego, California - Future in Review

* May 25-27, 2005, Turin, Italy - Internet Law Program


* June 3-6, 2005, Tetuan, Morocco - Information and Communication Technologies International Symposium

* June 7-11, 2005, Denver, Colorado - Joint Conference on Digital Libraries

* June 8-10, 2005, Badajoz, Spain - 3rd International Conference on Multimedia and ICTs in Education

* June 16-17, 2005, Antwerp, Belgium - 5th European Conference on E-Government

* June 20-22, 2005, Paris, France - I2CS: Innovative Internet Community Systems

* June 22-24, 2005, Cambridge, Massachusetts - Internet Law Program

* June 27-30, 2005, Qawra, Malta – IADIS International e-Society 2005


* July 2-6, 2005, Gold Coast, Australia - AusWeb05

* July 5-9, 2005, Groningen, Netherlands - LIBER 34th Annual Conference 2005

* July 22-27, 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada - 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction

* July 25-28, 2005, Nashville, Tennessee - 5th Annual MERLOT International Conference

* July 27 - 29, 2005, Tokyo, Japan – 3rd International Human.Society@Internet Conference



* Tim Armstrong’s line-by-line recount of MGM vs. Grokster – as featured on many blogs

* Community Music Metadatabase

* US Copyright Office website with public comments on orphan works

* Global Voices's profiles of bridgebloggers, <>
 Tanzanian Ndesanjo Macha, <>

 Tunisian Nelia Charchour Hachicha, <>

 Saudi Arabian "Ahmed", author of Saudi Jeans <>

* Google Satellite Mapping

* EFF's new guide "How to Blog Safely"

* Reporters Sans Frontieres Freedom Blog Awards


"The question is, How do we know in advance, on your test, anything that would give the inventor, or, more exactly, the developer, the confidence to go ahead? As was said a minute ago, he knows he's going to be sued immediately. There isn't a product performance out there, as there is in this case. So, on your substantiality theory, why isn't it a foregone conclusion in the iPod that the iPod loser -- or developer is going to lose his shirt?"
 -- Justice Souter question to counsel for the RIAA during the Grokster oral argument.

"What kills me about putting this list together is to think of all the great things that I will miss out on from today forward." -- Glenn Otis Brown on leaving his position as Executive Director at Creative Commons for a position at Google.

* “Do we want to have multiple Internets, a China Wide Web, a U.S. Wide Web, a Saudi Wide Web, or do we want the whole World Wide Web?” -- John Palfrey, Executive Director of the Berkman Center

"I have a confession to make:  I cannot both listen attentively to a speaker and participate in a chat channel.  I tried doing it again for the nth time at Freedom To Connect, and by the end of the day I felt gray and woozy and surrounded by stimuli...." Susan Crawford, on chatting during a conference.



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Filter is a publication of the Berkman Center at Harvard Law School.
Editor: Amanda Michel
Writer: Erica George, Wendy Koslow, Phil Malone

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