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New Class at SEAS on Design of Usable Interactive Systems

What makes the iPod a well designed piece of technology? Why are some web sites easier to use than others? The Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences is offering a new course this spring, taught by Berkman friend Professor Lynn Stein, that explores the factors that distinguish well-designed technologies. Professor Stein has pioneered the development of a new and innovative approach to the teaching of computer science through alternative conceptualization of computation in terms of interactive architectures, and has developed innovative robotics laboratories to foster learning through her approach.

The Design of Usable Interactive Systems (CS179) is a workshopping class where students will study users and user needs, design ideas, create prototypes to test interface design ideas with potential users and evaluate automated prototypes of innovative interaction designs. The class is open to all Harvard students, and no prerequisites are needed. just come with an open mind toward new ideas. The class meets every Monday and Wednesday between 2:30-4:30, and begin Jan. 31.