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Youth Votes 2008

Berkman Executive Director John Palfrey writes,

It seems as though there was another promising uptick in voter turnout last night in Iowa. This fact, if true, is the best news out of the caucuses, in my mind...Early analysis by many of those working on getting youth out to vote, like Adrian Talbott and his colleagues at Generation Engage, suggest that the youth vote is headed up. So reported the Boston Globe as well.  Congratulations to all who have been working so hard on this crucial topic.

Across campus from us, students with Harvard's Institute of Politics, Campaign 2008: Campus Voices have for the past 96 days been giving hard looks at the state where many eyes will now turn.

Campaign 2008: Campus Voices is a new program from the IOP designed to provide Harvard students with first-hand, on-the-ground, fly-on-the-wall, behind the scenes experiences in New Hampshire for the final "100 Days" of the 2008 New Hampshire primary and designed to provide a forum to the voice and perspective of young voters into coverage of the 2008 presidential race.

You can learn from their locations, technological savvy, and perspectives in the forms of multimedia, reports, and commentary over at the Campus Voices site and through New York Times' coverage of it.