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Kenya: Do not doubt the power of the Internet in Africa

Continued coverage from Ndesanjo Macha of Global Voices...

Has technology, particularly citizen media, played any positive in positive role in covering the the crisis in Kenya? This is what White African wrote about the role of technology in the crisis:

If anyone doubts the power of the internet in Africa, they need to look no further than what is happening in Kenya right now…As of yesterday there was a media blackout. The only way to get any up-to-date news for the past 24-48 hours has been through the blogosphere (like Kenyan Pundit, Thinker’s Room, Mentalacrobatics), Skype and Kenyan populated forums (like Mashada). The traditional media has been shut out and shut down for all intents and purposes.

If you visit Kenyan blogs aggregators, KenyaUnlimited and Mashada, you will see the point White Africa is trying to make. Below is a round-up of conversations, information and news from Kenyan citizen journalists blogging about this unfortunate political and social crisis.

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