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Is Kenya turning into a police state?

From Ndesanjo Macha of Global Voices...

How would you describe the political situation in Kenya? White African uses three words to describe millions of Kenyan voters following the announcement that the Mwai Kibaki has won by 200,000+ votes: disappointed, angry and jaded. :

Those are the words that describe millions of Kenyan voters.
Disappointed at their current president, Mwai Kibaki, for playing Moi-politics.  Angry at their ministers of parliament, voting an unprecedented number out of office.  Jaded by the election results - wondering if bothering to come out for the next elections is even necessary.  Of the three, I would suggest that citizens being jaded is the most harmful for the long-term. Why bother voting if you can’t have the confidence in your government to count them openly and honestly?

Daudi of Mental Acrobatics chose one word to describe the mood: uncertainty;

Uncertainty is the word I would use to describe the mood around Kenya this morning in contrast to fear and anger last night.

Kenyan bloggers have been covering events in Kenya as they unfold after it was announced that Mwai Kibaki won the presidency. Here is a short roundup. As events are changing rapidly, you may also visit Mashada and KenyaUnlimited.

Ory writes about the total media blackout on her blog, Kenyan Pundit:

have no news to report. It’s a total total blackout. Watching TV feels like watching TV under some crazy dictatorship. I mean we all know that the country is on fire, but KBC is airing Just for Laughs. WTF???

I, however, remain committed to keeping whatever news I can flowing so keep the info coming (even though it might sit in moderation for a while). And hopefully I’ll have something updates tomorrow from what is now for all intents and purposes my bunker.

The Media Council of Kenya has denounced the on live broadcasts:

- Media Council has strongly denounced the ban on live broadcasts. I suspect that media houses were caught off-guard and are just now trying to find their footing. I’ve been told that KISS fm has been doing a good job with updates. Also hopefully print media will be back in full force tomorrow (if we can get to somewhere where we can buy papers that is).
NTV and KTN now broadcasting news updates every hour.

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To read Ndesanjo's full round up of the situation in Kenya, please read his full post.

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