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Berkman Students and Affiliates Honored by SPARC

Congratulations to Berkman affiliates Elizabeth Stark and Benjamin Mako Hill,  who have been recognized by the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) as student innovators for leadership and activism on open access.

Elizabeth Stark, honored as "The Diplomat", is the founder of Harvard Free Culture, is a soon to be HLS graduate, and has worked as a Berkman Research Assistant and Teaching assistant for many of our projects.  Mako Hill, "The Technologist", is a board member of the Free Software Foundation, a Wikimedia Advisory Board member, and as well has been a face oft-seen around the center.

SPARC Director Heather Joseph says that "Despite different backgrounds and interests, these students share a common interest in ensuring ease of access and use of electronic information," and how "as members of a generation raised with the Internet, sharing is second nature to them. When it comes to open access, they just get it."

For more information on SPARC and longer profiles on all the students honored this year, you can check out SPARC's innovator webpage.