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We're millionaires!


Traffic to recently reached the one million unique visitors per month mark, a major milestone in our two-year history. The majority of our visitors come to us through Google’s warning pages, while many others find us through blog posts, articles, reports, and other references from around the web.

We are thrilled that the message is getting out that the internet community can work together to stop the spread of badware while protecting providers who are doing their part to keep their sites and applications safe.

We are especially grateful to those who, after their initial visit, have continued their involvement by joining our mailing list, reading our blog, telling their stories, and participating in our online discussion group. You are part of StopBadware and its success, and we will be offering new ways for you to contribute over the next several months.

Thank you all, and here’s to continued growth and, more importantly, continued success in stopping badware!