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Rising Voices Microgrant Application Deadline Extended to Dec. 3

From David Sasaki of Global Voices...

The application deadline for microgrants of up to US$ 5,000 to fund citizen media outreach projects in the developing world has been extended until Monday, December 3. Ideal applicants will present innovative and detailed proposals to teach citizen media techniques to communities that are poorly positioned to discover and take advantage of tools like blogging, video-blogging, and podcasting on their own.

This second round of funding differs from the first in one important aspect. You have the choice to submit your application via email as before or you can publicly post your proposal on our wiki and receive feedback on how it can be improved. Public applications can be posted on the wiki at any time and can be reworked as often as the applicant sees fit, but all applications must be finalized by the new December 3rd deadline.

Even if you don't plan on applying for a grant yourself, you can still help this round's applicants by offering feedback on their open proposals. A list of all current applications is available on the front page of the Rising Voices wiki. To leave feedback on any individual project proposal, simply press the “Comments” tab at the top of the proposal page.

To learn how to apply using the wiki you can view the screencast below or visit the instruction page on the wiki. If you would like to submit your proposal privately via email you may do so by downloading the application and emailing it to by December 3. No late applications will be accepted.

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