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Congrats to Dan Gillmor and his Arizona State University Appointments!

Great shouts of congratulations to our fellow Dan Gillmor, who will soon be joining the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University.  From the ASU press release:

"Gillmor, director of the Center for Citizen Media, will start Jan. 1 as Knight Center director and Kauffman Professor of Digital Media Entrepreneurship. He will hold the faculty rank of professor of practice.

As a longtime Silicon Valley-based journalist, Gillmor wrote a popular business and technology column for the San Jose Mercury News and launched a weblog in 1999, a site believed to have been the first mainstream journalism blog. In 2004 he published 'We the Media: Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People,' a book on citizen journalism that has been published in six languages.

The Center for Citizen Media, aimed at enhancing citizen journalism, is affiliated with the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California at Berkeley, where Gillmor has been lecturing in online journalism, and the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at the Harvard University Law School, where he is a fellow. Gillmor will retain the affiliation with the Berkman Center, and bring his citizen-media work to ASU...

'Dan Gillmor has been a global leader in the digital media revolution,' said Cronkite School Dean Christopher Callahan. 'Our students will benefit enormously from his wisdom, creativity and collaborative style. He is perfectly suited to launch a center that we believe will be enormously important to the future of journalism and journalism education.'...

The Knight Center is designed to help students from journalism, computer engineering, business, design and other disciplines work together to create new digital media products. Projects will help build geographic communities – a key goal of the Knight Foundation – as well as instilling the spirit and skills of entrepreneurism, which has been a central focus of the Kauffman Foundation."

The Berkman community is thrilled for Dan and looks forward to continuing work with Dan and his colleagues among the saguaros.