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Global Voices Pakistan Emergency Page

Global Voices has set up a special "Pakistan Emergency" page on their website, aggregating all types of coverage from and about the situation unfolding since their President's declaration of a "State of Emergency."

As the page notes, "This past Saturday, the President of Pakistan and Chief of Army Staff Pervez Musharraf declared a state of Emergency in the country. The government issued a Provisional Constitutional Order. Even as the Army stormed the Supreme Court in Islamabad, and detained Chief Justice Iftikar Chaudhry, the seriousness of the issue escalated as private television channels were taken off air, local phones were blocked and access to the Internet was curtailed."

Stay tuned to Global Voices for the latest and for more information on Pakistan's Internet filtering, past and present, check out the OpenNet Initiative's country study and the Citizen Media Law Project's reporting on the crisis.