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YouTube Copyright Filtering Tools: Andrew McLaughlin on Copyright v. Fair Use and Google's Latest Response

When Viacom filed a $1 billion lawsuit against YouTube - and its parent company Google - this past March, it sent shockwaves across the Internet.  Where would the liability fall when copyrighted materials were posted on user-generated sites?  Would the status quo of cease-and-desist notices be enough to keep sites such as YouTube out of hot water?

The broader debate over the interests of copyright versus "fair use" has continued through a number of discussions since this case came to the forefront, with both sides taking paths they feel are most effective.  Whether it's the RIAA pursuing illegal downloads on college campuses or documentary filmmakers establishing best practices for fair use, the debate has been a lively one.

This week's episode of Berkman.TV features Andrew McLaughlin who, in addition to being a Fellow Emeritus of the Berkman Center, is also the Director of Global Public Policy for Google.  Andrew does a great job of addressing the breadth of challenges involved in the conflict and explains Google's latest solution to the problem.  Tune in and enjoy!

All Berkman.TV episodes are available on MediaBerkman and are licensed through Creative Commons.