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Oliver Goodenough on “Modeling Cooperation for First and Second Lives: Suggesting a General Case”

The Berkman Luncheon Series continued today with Oliver Goodenough, who, in addition to being a Berkman fellow, is a Professor of Law at Vermont Law School and an Adjunct Professor at the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College.

Oliver discussed how the institution of game theory and other economic institutions can take a broad range of forms, such as conventions of property, promise keeping, truth-telling, and submission to authority, and how they can exist in a similarly broad range of milieu. Examples included the internal psychology of values and commitment, informal cultural expectations, formal institutions like law, mechanical devices like a coke machine and computer code.

The event was webcast live, but if you missed it, as always, you can catch the podcast of this and countless other Berkman events on MediaBerkman.  You can also read David Weinberger's great play-by-play of the discussion and Q & A. 

Please visit the Luncheon Series page to learn about future guests and be sure to RSVP to save your spot at these wonderful weekly gatherings.