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Two New Additions to the Berkman Publication Series

Two new papers have been added to the Berkman Publication Series - "Overcoming the Achilles Heel of Copyright Law" by Berkman alumnus Haochen Sun and  "The Principles of Distributed Innovation" by fellow Karim Lakhani along with Jill Panetta.  You can download both papers, in full, on SSRN.

Haochen's Abstract:
With the recent proliferation of international, regional and bilateral treaties associated with copyright protection, the three-step test has been hailed as the panacea for measuring the legality of all limitations on copyright. I will challenge the legitimacy of the three-step test as a one-size-fits-all standard for copyright protection and puts forward a proposal to reshape this test. It further argues that the inquiry into the legitimacy of the three-step test necessitates a careful reexamination of the conventional wisdom of copyright law in general and the nature of copyright limitations in particular...

Karim and Jill's Abstract:
Distributed innovation systems are an approach to organizing for innovation that seems to meet the challenge of accessing knowledge that resides outside the boundaries of any one organization. We provide an overview of distributed innovation systems that are achieving success in three different industries. We explore why people participate, the organizing principles of production, and the implications for intellectual property policy. Finally, the potential extensions and limitations of this alternative model of innovation are considered.