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Blog Action Day: Voices out of Africa and the Diaspora

From Juliana Rotich of Global Voices...

Today many bloggers around the world united to write about one single theme, the environment. The blogs from Africa and Diaspora that participated did so with much variety in style and content. What follows are links and tidbits from Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria and other global citizens.

Afrigadget posts ‘Where others see junk, Africa Recycles'. Pictures of Simon the blacksmith who recycles scrap metal into animal sculptures.

Phil of Kenya environment news contributes two posts, one on ‘Environmental change and infectious disease' and another on ‘poverty and the environment'

Because poor people have limited financial resources, they depend on the environment for their basic needs, such as water, food, shelter. When environmental degradation occurs, the capacity of poor people to make decisions that contribute to their well-being is undermined. Until the high degree of dependency of poor people on the environment is addressed, poverty alleviation will not be achieved.

Rob writes from Nairobi, Kenya: ‘A convenient excuse' looking at the oft cited link between climate change and conflict in Darfur. He sees a similar (misplaced) allocation of blame to global warming affecting the lives of nomadic tribes in northern Kenya.

Mzungu Chick posts about ecotourism in Kenya, noting…

Statistics show that spending by tourists makes up 12% of our economy and about half a million Kenyans depend on the travel industry for a living so it is absolutely vital that we take care of it. Kenyans are generally well aware of this fact and are most definitely making more of an effort with regards to sustainable tourism development and promoting practices that will conserve Kenya’s natural environment and improve livelihoods of associated communities.

posts on things he'd like to see more often, from waterless urinals to q-tips made out of rolled paper as opposed to non-biodegradable plastic.

South Africa
Rory of Carbon Copy
will have a series of posts from the 15th of October to the 19th. The first in the series is ‘Shades of green'

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