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Latest Episode of Berkman.TV Now Available

Berkman.TV is back with its latest episode!  This week Berkman's managing director Colin Maclay discusses public media in the digital age with Public Radio Exchange's Jake Shapiro.

Together, they address the future of public broadcasting through the lens of the Beyond Broadcast conferences, demographics, business models, web interaction, and more.  Jake also makes his prediction for the biggest news in public radio this year.

While Jake and Colin discuss the needs and challenges of the public broadcasting industry, Doc Searls help wrap things up by bringing the perspective of Project VRM (Vendor Relationship Management) into the fold.  As Doc explains, it is through this inverted relationship that he hopes institutions, such as NPR, PBS, and others will be able to encourage and streamline participation with their audience, giving them a sustainable "business model," of sorts.

For an extended, uncut conversation between Colin and Jake, click here and stay tuned for the next episode of Berkman.TV!