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Enviroment Blogs This Week

From Juliana Rotich of Global Voices...

Solar powered street lights in Capetown, architecture with a modern and green touch in Accra Ghana, questions about companies' so called ‘green' credentials, and a cute baby gorilla in Africa. All this, in today's installment of environment blogs on global voices.

We begin in South Africa with news of solar powered street lights in Capetown, viewed by Carbon Copy as a great start to ‘putting renewables on the map'. On the same article he discusses the need for an enabling environment for large scale initiatives, and specific strategies to encourage clean energy adoption on a mass scale. Carl of Greencars also blogs about the solar powered street lights, giving the project a thumbs up and providing context of what this pilot project means.

Apparently, a large traffic light installation such as this uses as much electricity in a month as a 3-bedroom house, and if Cape Town were to remove all its traffic lights from the grid, it would be equivalent to removing 1200 houses off mains power.

Carl mentions the primary and secondary benefits of the installation, adding

Besides the direct environmental benefits that come from using sustainable energy sources, there’s a significant secondary benefit - if the traffic lights are more reliable than their grid-powered counterparts, we’ll see fewer malfunctioning traffic lights, resulting in less traffic congestion, which means less fuel burned.

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