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Student Research Positions with Berkman Directors

Berkman Faculty Director Terry Fisher and Berkman Faculty Co-Director Yochai Benkler are both looking for student Research Assistants for new efforts.

Professor Benkler's position:
Graduate research positions are available to participate in Professor Yochai Benkler's research group on cooperation at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society. The overall project aims to develop an approach to human systems design—for example law, technological platforms, or business and other organizational processes—based on a cooperative model of human action. The research will include (a) building and analyzing bibliographies in several fields of social science, as well as some evolutionary biology and neuroscience, (b) developing detailed case studies of cooperation and collaboration in online environments, and (c) analyzing existing research and developing new case studies of the use of collaborative models and cooperation-enhancing designs in existing, non-network-based social/economic organizational and institutional processes.  More information can be found here.

The position with Professor Fisher:
The project aims at developing a copyright distance learning course. The course is targeted to librarians from transition and developing countries members of eIFL with no prior knowledge in copyright, or in law. Different communities will be involved in the design of the course: legal scholars, librarians, experts in Open Access, distance learning, open education, developing countries, etc.

We are looking for students with a copyright/information science/distance education background and an interest for Open Access to digital resources. You will be performing research on copyright law and libraries issues in various jurisdictions. International students are welcome, but the project is not limited to students fluent in non-US jurisdictions copyright legislations. You will be drafting and performing English proof-reading of portions of the course. You will possibly provide assistance in organizing advisory board/expert meetings and in thinking about the interactive modules structure of the course.  More information can be found here.

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