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Japan: Fukuda Slated to Be Next PM

From Jens Wilkinson of Global Voices...

In the Liberal Democratic Party election held on Sunday the 24th, Fukuda Yasuo defeated opponent Aso Taro, and is slated to become the next Prime Minister. He will follow Abe Shinzo, who resigned two weeks ago.

This marks an important change. Fukuda is generally known as a moderate within the LDP, and thus his election is a change from the administrations of Abe and his predecessor Koizumi Junichiro, who followed a generally conservative, market-oriented reform program. In the Upper House election held this July, the LDP was badly beaten by the opposition Democratic Party of Japan. Thus, it seems that a period of fluidity has arrived in Japanese politics.

Needless to say, the election of Fukuda is a major topic for bloggers as for the media in general. One of the big issues that Fukuda will deal with is the extension of the Anti-Terror Law, which permits Japan to participate in the US “War against Terror.” A recent report that Japan was (in opposition to the law) refuelling US aircraft carrier heading to Iraq will put more sparks into the emerging fire.

Blogger Jun Okumura, writing in English, talked about the main issue that Fukuda will have to take up, the counter-terrorism extension bill.

The first item on the Prime Minister to-do list is, of course, pushing a counter-terrorism extension bill. Mr. Fukuda has steadfastly refused to say that he'll resort to the supermajority override. I firmly believe that this is merely part of the LDP charm offensive, beginning right after the Upper House election, when Nobutaka Machimura and other party worthies talked up the DPJ and even hinted at a Grand Coalition.

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