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Thank You, Professor Martin

Professor Harry "Terry" Martin just announced this week to the Harvard community that he will be retiring after 27 years as director of the Harvard Law School Library.  Under his leadership, the Harvard Law Library grew to a staggering 1.7 million books and bound manuscripts.  More relevant to our work at the Berkman Center, Terry ably began the transformation of the library into a digital age.  Throughout our 10 year history, Terry has consistently engaged the Berkman Center's community in thought-provoking discussions on the future of libraries and access to published works.  We've enjoyed and appreciated his involvement in our work.  We consider ourselves fortunate to be his colleague, and grateful for the services he's made possible through the spectacular HLS library under his leadership.   On behalf of the entire Berkman community, we extend a heartfelt thanks and congratulations to Terry Martin.  We wish him all the best in his final year as librarian and beyond, as he takes up a position in the ranks of the emeriti.


The Berkman community