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Welcome Back Students!

The Berkman Center extends a warm welcome to the incoming class of 2010, as well as the many returning students we have gotten to know over the years through Harvard's Law School, College, Extension School, and beyond.

We hope that in your rush to acclimate yourself before the start of classes you take a moment to see what the Berkman Center has to offer both new and returning students to the Harvard community, as well as our ever-growing community both near and far.

To begin, a number of Berkman faculty and faculty fellows will be instructing courses this semester, including:

* John Palfrey, Phil Malone, Jeffery Cunard - Practical Lawyering in Cyberspace: Seminar
* Charles Nesson - CyberOne: Law in the Court of Public Opinion
* Charles Nesson - Trials in Second Life: Seminar
* Yochai Benkler - Introduction to Patents, Copyrights, and Similar Exclusive Rights Regimes
* Pamela Samuelson - Copyright
* Pamela Samuelson - Copyright Reform: Seminar
* Dena Sacco - An Introduction to American Law (for LL.M. candidates)

The Berkman Center will also be hosting our annual Open House this Fall, so after your semester has gotten off to a smooth start, stop by and learn about all of the opportunities to get involved, as we expand the scope of Berkman research and development and celebrate our tenth anniversary with Berkman @ 10.

Welcome back, good luck this semester, and we hope to see you soon!