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Lewis Hyde at the Monadnock Lyceum

Discussing the historical context of "the cultural commons," an issue that he examines extensively in books, papers, and presentations, Berkman fellow Lewis Hyde participated in the Monadnock Lyceum earlier this month and New Hampshire NPR has just made the podcast of the event available for download.

Specifically addressing the "civic republican ideal" and "autonomy" that motivated our founding fathers, Lewis leads us through the writings and actions of early American life as he explains sentiments regarding anonymity, publishing, dissenting viewpoints, and more.

To learn more on Lewis's work in this area, be sure to read his 2005 paper: Frames from the Framers, which addresses the understanding of copyright and ownership of intellectual property during the United States' infancy, as well as the Berkman Luncheon Series from this year, on the same topic.