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Berkman Travels East

This summer has been an exciting one for the Berkman community.  We held the 6th Internet & Society Conference, hosted the Summer Doctoral Programme, sponsored the first Internet as a Public Good Symposium, welcomed Yochai Benkler as the newest Berkman faculty co-director, in addition to writing, debating, and more.

We are fast approaching the start of the academic year - not to mention our 10th anniversary - and a number of Berkman faculty, fellows, and staff are traveling great lengths to participate in various forums before summer winds to an end.

Last week Executive Director John Palfrey traveled to Shanghai to participate in the HAUSCR Summit for Young Leaders in China (HSYLC), which is an annual summer conference for Chinese high school students, run by the Harvard College Association for US-China Relations.  You can find out more about the program's history, this year's conference, and more on their website.

To close out the summer, a number of Berkman representatives have traveled to Singapore for State of Play V, which kicked off yesterday with panels on regulation of virtual worlds, education in virtual worlds, business opportunities, and the differences between Eastern and Western cultures in regards to gaming.

Sponsored in part by the Berkman Center, the conference "invites experts across disciplines to discuss the future of cyberspace and the impact of these new immersive, social online environments on education, law, politics and society."

This Wednesday, Berkman fellow Gene Koo will be hosting a workshop on education, while Professor Charles Nesson launches the Global Poker Strategic Thinking Society at his own workshop that same afternoon.  The conference is being broadcast live online, but just in case you miss something, State of Play will be archiving it as well.  Stay tuned for updates from State of Play V and the continuing countdown to Berkman @ 10!