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Blogging in Boston

To quote the late Cambridge politician and former Speaker of the House, "Tip" O'Neill, "All politics is local," and as a recent survey conducted by OutsideIn sees it, all blogging may be as well. 

The Boston Globe reports that out of the 60 metropolitan areas surveyed, Greater Boston's 89 posts per 100,000 residents narrowly beat out Greater Philadelphia's 88 for the top spot and title of "bloggiest city."

With over 500 registered blogs on Berkman's university-wide blog server, since its launch in 2003, the demand locally to host conversations online is no surprise.

We already have the likes of David Weinberger and Lisa Williams tilting the scales heavily in our favor; now with Doc Searls and Wendy Seltzer calling the Boston area home for the coming academic year, Philadelphians are going to have their work cut out for them if they want the title in 2008.