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Cambodian Blogger on Blogging

From Tharum Bun of Global Voices...

Borin Ly is an Information Technology specialist. Just like some other university students who are computer and the Internet enthusiasts, Borin also has a weblog. Borin grew up in Sihanoukville, a well known beach town in Cambodia. The 26-year-old computer geek is currently doing his master degree in Business Administration at Economics and Finance Institute, a program of Charles Sturt University.

Borin uses his Internet-capable mobile phone with his laptop to get online. Boring joins hundreds of Cambodian bloggers on the Web to have his say and to discusses a range of issues - poverty, poor education, corporate social responsibility, food safety and the hight cost of telecoms.

Q: Why do you have a blog?

Borin: At first, my blog is not about Cambodia, it was about web hosting, design, and website promotion. The motivation is revenues from Google Adsense, of course. But after some failures, I shift my blog focus to talk about Cambodia. The motivations are to share knowledge, to express myself, and to exercise my freedom of expression.

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