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Looking Back at SDP 2007

The 2007 Summer Doctoral Programme (SDP) wrapped up this past Friday, following two weeks of lectures, presentations, and discussions that not only ran the gamut of Internet and technology related research, but also brought together individuals and perspectives from around the world.

The fifth edition of the SDP proved to be a great success and we look forward to next year's edition. 

If you haven't had a chance to look at the resources compiled by the participants, you can view their thoughts and work from a number of sources.

The aggregator of participant - both students and faculty - blogs, photos, and more, provides a great timeline of activities throughout the program, while the 2007 SDP wiki offers the schedule of events, syllabus and readings, presentations, and other materials accumulated throughout the program.  The students themselves also compiled a H2O playlist of suggested materials.  And finally, for a quick glance at the conversations through blogposts, you can see the special edition of the Berkman Buzz, which highlighted a number of the student and professor's posts on various events.