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Filter Flash - July 26, 2007

<-- Filter Flash --> July 26, 2007

A special alert to let our community know of the latest from the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School.

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While the monthly issue of the Filter is coming soon, we wanted to take this opportunity to focus on the upcoming fifth (!) State of Play Conference. As we rapidly approach the latest edition of this groundbreaking - and fun - series, we heartily encourage you to get yourself to Singapore for its August 19-22 run. The organizers and participants are a tremendous group and promise an innovative and thought-provoking program, which includes two Berkman-led sessions featuring founder Charlie Nesson, fellow Gene Koo, administrative director Catherine Bracy and others. Our participation in and experience with State of Play continues to impact many of the Berkman Center's activities and I suspect this time around will be no different. Hope to see you in Singapore!

-- Colin Maclay, Managing Director, Berkman Center --

- continued -

[1] FEATURED EVENT: what's going on and where to read more

State of Play V: Building the Global Metaverse
August 19-22, 2007; Singapore

Berkman's work in virtual worlds combines two foundational interests: applications of the latest networked technology and innovations in education. We have studied and developed in this area through a number of channels and next month we take our latest venture as we co-sponsor State of Play V: Building in the Global Metaverse. In coordination with Yale Law School, New York Law School, Trinity University, and Nanyang Technological University, this fifth annual gathering will, for the first time, travel to Singapore.  eading thinkers in law, education, and technology will look at recent developments in virtual technologies and how they can best be used to escape and improve upon the limitations of real space. Professor Charles Nesson, Gene Koo, and Catherine Bracy will be in attendance to lead workshops on the prospect of using online poker as an educational tool, as well as how virtual worlds can be used for purposeful teaching and open-ended learning.

Registration is still available: <>


In addition to convening discussion, Berkman has also built-out into virtual environments for educational purposes. Here are some highlights from our work in one of these environments: Berkman Island in Second Life.

* Beyond Broadcast conference (Spring 2006) - Berkman Island, complete with the Harvard Law's Austin Hall and Ames Courtroom, was constructed for the purposes of this first annual look at the developing participatory culture.
* Berkman Luncheon Series - This weekly event draws experts from a range of disciplines for presentations and discussion and began simulcasting on Berkman Island last year.
* CyberOne (Fall 2006) - The first law class instructed in Second Life was led by Professor Charles Nesson and Rebecca Nesson at Harvard Law School and Rebecca Nesson with Gene Koo at the Harvard Extension School. Participation in this course was open to any interested in attending through virtual space.
* Trials in Second Life (Winter, Spring, Fall 2007) - Professor Charles Nesson and Rebecca Nesson continued their work in Second Life, using a virtual courtroom on Berkman Island to conduct mock trials and take advantage of the unique features of a virtual environment. Mock trials conducted thus far include the trial of Josh Wolf and Bragg v. Linden Labs.
* Internet & Society (Spring 2007) - The Berkman Center's long time course offering through the Harvard Extension School began to use Berkman Island for open attendance and instruction earlier this year.
* Virtual Worlds: What They Are, How People Are Using Them, And How You Can Too (Fall 2007) - The latest course offering from Rebecca Nesson, Virtual Worlds will examine models for virtual world law and government, economics and business, cultural norms, art, education, and activism.
* Hub2 (Fall 2007) - In this collaboration among the City of Boston, Emerson College, and the Berkman Center, Boston residents reimagine their public and civic spaces using Second Life.

Berkman Island: <>


On Wednesday, August 22, workshops will be held on various areas of study to flesh out issues raised during the conference. Berkman representatives will be facilitating the following:

Workshop: Online Poker - Internet Freedom - Open Education
Facilitator: Professor Charles Nesson

Organized by the newly forming Global Poker Strategic Thinking Society, this workshop combines open philosophy, Internet strategy, instructional entertainment, and vision of a line of development for integrated real and virtual education fueled by human interest in mastering games of skill, poker in the lead. We will begin by distributing in advance of our workshop a paper on education in virtual worlds. We will aim our trajectory going forward as a projection of a new way of thinking embodied in the learning and understanding of a game. We will demonstrate the teaching of the game to beginners. We will talk about why it is a good idea to teach poker to kids. We will demonstrate the transition to an integrated real and virtual Internet environment. We will introduce team play. Lastly, we will examine the critical issues surrounding poker and other games of skill in education and beyond. What are the key strategic thinking points of departure? How far should we go in promoting poker in the field of education? Should poker be taught to children on the $100 laptop? How can poker and poker strategic thinking serve as a departure point for openness on the Internet, global education, and beyond? We do not expect any previous knowledge of poker and invite those with a willingness to learn.

Workshop: Education: Educational Applications of Virtual Worlds
Facilitators: Catherine Bracy, Aaron Delwiche (Trinity University), Gene Koo

Some theorists argue that games are great environments for learning, but terrible tools for teaching. Is it true that we are still struggling to incorporate games and virtual worlds in the classroom in meaningful ways? Bringing together leading commercial game designers, educators, and Singapore government officials, this workshop will examine the ways that games and virtual worlds are already shaping the learning processes of children and adults. During the second half of the session, participants will apply these insights to real-world case studies, developing a concrete list of best practices that will be useful to designers and teachers alike.

For information on all of the planned events, discussions, and working groups, please visit the State of Play V schedule <>.


Links to additional State of Play related items.

[WEBSITE] The State of Play Academy.

[MEDIA] Audio & Video from Harvard Conference on Internet & Society, University: Knowledge Beyond Authority.

[WIKI] CyberOne: Law in the Court of Public Opinion.

[REPORT] New Skills, New Learning: Legal Education and the Promise of New Technology.

[ARTICLE] Hub of the online universe: City plans a virtual Boston (Boston Globe).

[ARTICLE] Foundation With Real Money Ventures Into Virtual World (NY Times).


How to find out about Berkman's weekly events

If you'd like to be notified of outgoing Berkman research, please sign up for our report release email list: <>

Every Friday we feature the week's online conversations in the Berkman Buzz. If you would like to receive the Buzz via email, please send an email to pmckiernan AT with "Buzz subscribe" as the subject line. To take a look at last week's Berkman Buzz, go here:

We webcast every Tuesday Luncheon Series Speaker. Luncheon Series events start at 12:30 pm Eastern Time. The webcast link is <rtsp://>. You can participate live in our lunch discussions through our IRC chat channel: <irc://> or on our island in Second Life: <>. Tune in!

If you are unable to tune in to one of our events, please check out Berkman's Audio Event Archive: <>

The Berkman Center's audio and podcasts are also available through iTunes, ODEO, and Podnova.

* iTunes: <>
* ODEO: <>
* Podnova: <>

The Berkman Center sends out an events email every Wednesday. If you'd like to be notified of upcoming events - virtual and otherwise - please sign up at <>



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The Filter is a publication of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School.
Editor: Patrick McKiernan

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