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Bolivia: Historic Rally in La Paz Provides Opportunity for Journalism 2.0

From Eduardo Avila of Global Voices...

Armed with a digital camera, cell phone camera, a notebook and plenty of desire to provide a timely and inside view of a Bolivian historical event, Mario Duran and his colleagues, Cesar Duran and Willmar Pimentel set off at 6 a.m. in the city of El Alto on Friday, July 20. Later that morning, a department-wide rally was scheduled to take place and there was hope that close to one million people would join the cause. The massive concentration was set to voice their displeasure with a proposal to move the capital from La Paz to Sucre.

Duran announced this experiment on his blog Palabras Libres [ES]

[Translation] Tomorrow in La Paz, specifically in El Alto, the million-person rally in defense of location of the capital will take place. With some friends, we are going to practice journalism 2.0 and work through the site Constituent Assembly and Autonomies of Bolivia, where we will upload text, audio, and if possible, video, along with interviews of those that will participate in this event We will talk to everyone from those in the streets to the authorities. We will use a PC in a local internet cafe (called Akapana and is located in the Raul Salmon Avenue near the Police Department in El Alto) and will upload content to the net every 15-30 minutes.

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