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Oxford Internet Survey Released Today

Today marks the Oxford Internet Institute's release of the latest Oxford Internet Survey (OxIS).  The study, which has been released biennially since 2003, looks at a broad range of factors to help decipher and predict use, access, and attitudes regarding the Internet throughout the UK today and into the future.

The 2007 report specifically looks into the potential shift in "digital inclusion and exclusion," which is a key issue on which Berkman Fellow Nolan Bowie has recently been writing an Op-Ed column for the Boston Globe. 

The OxIS will be submitted as the UK's input into the World Internet Project: the international view of "social, political, and economic impact of the Internet and other new technologies."  You can download the full report from the OII website. 

For information on the U.S.'s input into the World Internet Project check out the 2007 Digital Future Report, featured in last month's Filter, and produced by the Center for the Digital Future at USC's Annenberg School.