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Weinberger Debates Keen on Web 2.0

Berkman Fellow David Weinberger's recent debate with Cult of the Amateur author Andrew Keen has just been posted online by the Wall Street Journal.

"So, Andrew, you join a long list of those who predict the decline of civilization and pin the blame on the latest popular medium, except this time it's not comic books, TV, or shock jock radio. It's the Web.

"This time, of course, you might be right...especially since you and I seem to agree that the Web isn't yet another medium. Something important and different is going on," David says in his first round of many with Mr. Keen.  You can follow their arguments in full over at the Wall Street Journal

This is a must-read exchange between two polar opposite ends of the Web 2.0 spectrum.  Comments are open on David's blog and the Wall Street Journal Forum for those that would like to share their thoughts.