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Announcing Hub2: a workshop on real/virtual civic places

From Berkman Fellow Gene Koo...

And now, to follow up my earlier teaser: I’m excited to announce that my colleague Eric Gordon and I will be teaching a new, experimental class at Emerson College on exploring, imagining, and building civic places in real and virtual spaces. The class was born of an idea hatched by the City of Boston to develop vibrant, virtual civic spaces. And what better way to foster civic life than to invite members of the community to build it for themselves?

We have several goals in offering this class:

1. Examine the intersection among group identity, creation of meaning-space, and civic engagement
2. Test Second Life as a tool to stretch participants’ imagination about spaces and groups
3. Establish the foundation for an ongoing program working with different civic groups across Boston, including youth...

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For more on Gene's work with education in virtual worlds, visit his blog Video Vidi Visum: Virtual.