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Summer Doctoral Programme Underway at Harvard

The Oxford Internet Institute and the Berkman Center have, for the fifth consecutive year, gathered PhD students from around the world for the Summer Doctoral Programme (SDP), and, for the first time, SDP is being held on the Harvard Law side of the pond.

Sessions began Monday and there are a number of great bloggers among the class.  Over the course of the next two weeks we will feature their thoughts and insights extensively.

Here are a few from the start of the program: 

* Daithi Mac Sithigh reports on the introduction, Jonathan Zittrain's presentation, and this morning's discussion of Internet filtering;
* Ismael Pena-Lopez has extensive notes from all four instructional sessions;
* and Berkman executive director John Palfrey has provided some additional insight on his presentation this morning, as well as this afternoon's session by Sunshine Hillygus on IT and campaigns.

Information on the program and the impressive collection students and instructors are available online, where you can also check out the assigned readings, student bios, and daily schedule.

Stay tuned for the program wiki and other open resources!