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World Ponders the 7 New Wonders

From Jillian York of Global Voices...

On July 7, 2007, the world elected a list of “New 7 Wonders”. Chosen by global vote via internet, telephone and SMS, many argue that the election was unfair and favored the broadband-connected West (how else would you explain the Statue of Liberty being one of the 21 finalists?). The one-year process has ignited the excitement and imagination of bloggers from both “winning” and “losing” countries.What remains for some a list of attractive tourist destinations is for others a source of deep national pride.

Today, we’ll take a trip around the globe to see what folks on nearly every continent are thinking.


Globally, the general reaction to the New Seven Wonders was annoyance - at the voting process more than at the final results. Some even created their own alternative lists. Elisa of Subversive Writer listed her own “Seven Wonders of a Total Scam” in response...

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