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Korea: Internet and Anonymity

From Hyejin Kim of Global Voices...

Internet portal sites in Korea will use the real-name comment system (daet-geul sil-myeong-je) from this month. Two major portal sites, Daum and Naver, already started from the 27th of June, and 35 other major portal sites will implement the system this month.

In Korean portal sites, internet news or blog news have ‘comments or responses section’ under the posts and they are called daet-geul (they usually have short contents and netizens write their opinions casually). Because it is possible to write it anonymously, some contents are not appropriate, or posted not in earnest, or represent personal attacks. What to do about this situation has been a topic of debate.

Several days have passed. Bloggers share their opinions of this new system.

Some bloggers, like minicactus, have worried about side-effects.

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