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Palfrey & Mishkin on "Digital Natives"

Berkman Executive Director John Palfrey and Research Coordinator Erin Mishkin held a lunchtime discussion on their Digital Natives project this afternoon, where they presented the premise of their work, as well as got feedback on the empirical process they plan to take in their study.

They noted that with over a million young people "born digital," now is the time to look ahead and to shape the regulatory framework for the emerging digital space in ways that advance the public interest. The Digital Natives project explores this generation and the emerging trends of how they construct identity, learn, create, and socialize in an ever-changing "always on" landscape.

We apologize for any audio issues you may have experienced this afternoon, but if you missed the discussion and would like to learn more about the theories behind the project, check out John Palfrey's keynote address at University: Knowledge Beyond Authority.  You can also visit the project wiki for more information.  What we are able to recover of the audio/video will be posted to MediaBerkman as soon as possible.