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New Berkman Aggregators

Thanks to the hard work of the Berkman technology team we are now the proud owners of new Berkman aggregators for both our fellows' blogs and our projects' blogs.

If you receive our weekly blog picks in the Berkman Buzz, but would like to see all of the week's conversations and insights, then this is the spot to find them.  On one page you can find perspectives on international events from Global Voices to the latest musings and insights from prominent bloggers such as David Weinberger, Doc Searls, and many more.  You can hear the latest on the field of citizen journalism from the Center for Citizen Media and the newly launched Citizen Media Law Project or a plethora of tech law thoughts from InfoLaw, John Palfrey, Wendy Seltzer, and Urs Gasser, to name a few. 

We encourage you to check them out and register for the feeds!  To sign up to receive our weekly email: the Berkman Buzz, our monthly newsletter: The Filter, or any of our various updates, visit the sign up page today!