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UNIVERSITY: Knowledge Beyond Authority Audio Now Available

The success of the 2007 Internet & Society Conference, University: Knowledge Beyond Authority did not just come from the presentations and discussions during the event, but will also continue in the conversations it facilitated and those that it spurred. 

The attendance and participation was great and for those that weren't able to make it to Cambridge or join us virtually, the audio from both days of the conference is now available on MediaBerkman and includes presentations by Nicholas Negroponte, Charles Ogletree, John Palfrey, Mary Wong, David Weinberger, and more.

The video of the plenary sessions will be available soon, but we encourage you to listen to the conversations and thoughts from last week to help in the development of the role of University in the digital age. 

If you have thoughts or ideas that you would like to share, we encourage you to enter them on the confernce wiki, where we will be collecting notes on each of the working groups.