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Digital Natives Logo Contest Picks a Winner

This spring the Berkman Center held a contest for youth to design a logo for our new Digital Natives project. The requirements? We kept it pretty open, but asked that the logo convey themes of connection, youthfulness, and the digital landscape.

When all was said and done, we received approximately 200 designs by 45 designers, with entries coming from Germany, England, and our own backyard of Cambridge, MA.

The winning designer, Brannan Coady (age 15, from England) submitted close to 40 designs and says of the winning logo, "I began thinking about the connection/friendship theme and realised that not everybody is 'connected' but often want to be, and so added a second 'connection' which didn't quite get to its mark which shows that new friendships are always available to be made, and if you tried a little harder it would connect with its mark, forming a new friendship."

Great work Brannan and congratulations!