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University: Knowledge Beyond Authority

The 6th Harvard Internet & Society Conference, University: Knowledge Beyond Authority starts this morning on the Harvard Law School campus at 9 a.m.

Registration is available this morning in Austin Hall, but if you can't make it to Cambridge, then join us online through IRC Chat, on Berkman Island in Second Life, or with live streaming media

For photos of the conference and other materials, check out and flickr for conference related works tagged is2k7. 

Stay tuned following the conference as we will continue the conversation to determine the role of University in cyberspace!

*UPDATE: It was quite interesting that an impromptu poll of the audience at the well-attended Internet & Society conference, during Prof. John Palfrey's keynote, revealed that no HLS students or graduates were in attendance (or at least willing to speak up...).  The Berkman community continues to grow and it's great to see that as it grows up, it grows out!