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Featured Internet & Society Conference Working Groups

On the eve of tomorrow's full-day of University: Knowledge Beyond Authority, the 2007 Internet & Society Conference, we are happy to highlight the final pair of the ten working groups that will be taking place in one of two sessions.

*UNIVERSITY and its Library: Librarians are the navigators of knowledge and access at University. As search and content companies further engage in the realm of University and its Library, how do the roles of library, librarians, and library tools evolve, particularly into digital space? With libraries embracing new content delivery services, creating their own digital taxonomies and resources, and negotiating new relationships with users and vendors, what are the implications for our greatest repositories of knowledge? New tools for mining, mashing up, and networking knowledge are evolving everyday, so how do libraries interface with copyright issues while still forwarding the mission of scholarship? Is there a conflict?
Facilitated by David Weinberger, Jessamyn West, Cathy Norton

*UNIVERSITY and the RIAA: Suits brought against members of University by the RIAA bring up issues revolving around the role and identity of University and copyright. Universities are being asked to absorb financial and non-monetary costs of the record companies' enforcement. Is this enforcement also compromising student privacy? Does this limit access to genuine educational resources? How do we provide opportunities for new creative expression through digital mediums?
Facilitated by Wendy Seltzer, Doc Searls, Lewis Hyde

UNIVERSITY: Knowledge Beyond Authority starts TONIGHT, so if you haven't already, be sure to visit the registration page to reserve your spot!  Last-minute registration will also be available tomorrow morning at the start of the sessions.