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Featured Internet & Society Conference Working Groups

Today's featured working groups of University: Knowledge Beyond Authority, the 2007 Internet & Society Conference:

*Connecting UNIVERSITY to Basic Education: What is University's role in guiding elementary education? By empowering and enabling local teachers and volunteers through collaborative development of teaching materials with luminaries in various academic disciplines, we can connect University to all children in the world, offering children who may not necessarily have access to traditional systems that lead them to University the chance to connect nonetheless.
Facilitated by SJ Klein, Ethan Zuckerman, Harvard PITF Program

*Open Access at UNIVERSITY: MIT’s OpenCourseWare, along with numerous other University-lead open access learning initiatives, has revealed the world’s thirst for open access knowledge and learning. What have we learned from previous efforts, and how and in what ways can Universities harness the potential of making their course material open access? How do we give knowledge, once put online, a sense of “life” – how do we make it “living” knowledge to be shared and developed with learners around the world?
Facilitated by Anne Margulies, Marshall Smith, Elizabeth Stark, Joel Thierstein

UNIVERSITY: Knowledge Beyond Authority takes place next week, so if you haven't already, be sure to visit the registration page to reserve your spot!