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Featured Internet & Society Conference Working Groups

 Today's featured working groups of University: Knowledge Beyond Authority, the 2007 Internet & Society Conference:

*Progressing UNIVERSITY General Counsels on IP Issues: How are General Counsels at Universities advancing academia into the digitized age and how, as lawyers for Universities, do they view intellectual property issues? In what ways do Universities and their General Counsels need to be on the cutting edge of shared resource and knowledge promotion? How does this counter the position to keep Universities from being sued?
Facilitated by Terry Fisher

*UNIVERSITY Relationship Building - Power, Funding, and Transparency: The relationships between University and the primary funders of knowledge creation--business, philanthropy, and government--are growing increasingly complicated. How does the open access movement change those relationships? What steps need to be taken to build more fruitful bonds? How can the diversity of interests within University best be accommodated?
Facilitated by John Wilbanks & Christopher J. Mackie

UNIVERSITY: Knowledge Beyond Authority takes place next week, so if you haven't already, be sure to visit the registration page to reserve your spot!