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Internet & Socitey Conference Featured Working Groups

In just one short week the 6th Harvard Internet & Society Conference will convene to address the idea of University as a collective force in the digital environment and how it relates to the world of intellectual property.

You can visit the conference website to see speakers and facilitators, what questions are on people's minds, or which working groups you would like to attend.  Here are today's featured working groups.

*University Agenda for Fair Use: The Center for Social Media at AU and documentary filmmakers wrote a report on Best Practices in Fair Use to help navigate the waters of copyrighted materials and to determine when material use can be considered Fair Use. Much like documentarians, members of University communities are often riddled with questions as they create and express their work.  How can we create a Best Practices in Fair Use document for Universities similar to the one created for documentary filmmakers?

*The Digital Identity of University: With digital tools such as message boards, social networks, and search engines making University and its clients’ identities more public than ever, navigating the integrated media landscape for students and other members of University has become increasingly difficult. When these members can be expressions of the University as a whole, this workshop will focus on how we begin to navigate this space and how we form the digital identity of University.