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Analysis of Top Hosts in Badware Website Clearinghouse

StopBadware has analyzed 49,296 websites - sites submitted by trusted third parties to the Badware Website Clearinghouse - and identified the five web hosting companies with the largest number of infected sites residing on their servers. These five companies combined host a large number of websites that have been identified as distributing malicious software to Internet users.

Many of the sites listed in the Clearinghouse are otherwise innocent sites that have been hacked into by third parties. If a provider hosts a large number of sites that distribute badware, it's possible that the provider has unaddressed security vulnerabilities that increase the likelihood of the sites the provider hosts being hacked.

The company hosting the largest number of sites in the Clearinghouse is iPowerWeb, Inc., with 10,834 sites in the Clearinghouse. iPowerWeb is followed by Layered Technologies, Internet Services, Inc., Internap Network Services, and CHINANET Guangdong province network.

To read more, see StopBadware's press release and blog post, or comment at the StopBadware discussion group.