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Tony Ferraro and David Stone on "Applications of Social Networking Technology to Medical Treatment"

Yesterday Tony Ferraro, President and CEO of 360Hubs and Dr. David Stone, a practicing psychologist, former Harvard Fellow in computer science and now a Visiting Scholar in GSAS joined us at the Berkman Center to speak about applications of social networking technology in the treatment of trauma survivors.

David began the presentation by discussing his experience with clinical services in technology, specifically Second Life. As a practicing psychologist, David has worked in Second Life within specialized communities, and took us on our a tour of Mormon community with a woman named Lois who has multiple sclerosis.

Tony posed the questions "How do we impact our world? and "How can we impact global recovery?" He presented one approach to tackling these questions through affinity hubs and social software.

The discussion will soon be available as audio and video podcasts over at MediaBerkman.