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Access to Knowledge Posts Conference's Efforts

Building on developments over the past year and the community's work at last year's conference, the Yale Information Society Project hosted their second Access to Knowledge Conference 2007 (A2K2) this past weekend in New Haven, CT.  Over three days they tackled issues of education, media, literature, patents, and more.

Berkman Center participants included Managing Director Colin Maclay, who moderated the Mobilizing Industry Panel, and fellows Andrew McLaughlin and Ethan Zuckerman who participated in the Mobilizing Industry and Community Media & the Global Public Sphere panels respectively.

Extensive notes from the conference have been posted to the conference wiki. Ethan also provided his own perspective and insights on his blog.

We hope to continue and build off of this conversation as we approach it from the perspective of academia at the Internet & Society Conference 2007: Knowledge Beyond Authority.  As a creator of knowledge, what ability do those within the university, the academic community, and the public at-large have to access it?  With the advancements of the digital age we must see what is sustainable and what best benefits the community.  Be sure to visit the conference website and register to join us for this conversation on June 1st.