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The Citizen Media Law Project Seeks Summer Interns

The Citizen Media Law Project (CMLP) is seeking student interns for this summer!

The CMLP is a new organization, co-sponsored by the Center for Citizen Media and the Berkman Center, aimed at providing legal training and resources for individuals and organizations involved in citizen journalism.

If you or someone you know has enthusiasm for journalism, citizen media or technology-related legal issues, and would be interested in spending the summer performing legal research and drafting sections of the CMLP’s legal guide, the CMLP would love to hear from you.  Interns will also analyze recent lawsuits involving citizen journalists for the CMLP’s legal threats database, and be on the ground as the project takes off.

You can find out more about the internship opportunity and the CMLP here.  To apply, please email a current CV or resume and a cover letter summarizing your interest and experience.  Applications and requests for more information should be sent to the CMLP's director, David Ardia.