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Back and Forth with NFL Continues

Berkman Fellow Wendy Seltzer has punted back to the NFL with her second counter-notification, that has led to the reinstatement of her Super Bowl excerpt on Youtube. 

As previously noted, the clip of the NFL copyright statement, was originally posted in early February and stayed up for a week before it was taken down.  Wendy sent a counter-notification to YouTube, which then reposted the clip in early March following a lack of action from the NFL.  Less than two weeks later, the video was pulled once again.  Wendy followed the same procedure this time around and as of Wednesday it's up and running.

The issue has warranted a response from the NFL in defense of their copyright protection measures.  The Wall Street Journal provides a good summary of the course of events on their Law Blog and Wendy's blog has the latest.

In addition to this debate over how far copyrights should extend, there is a simultaneous discussion over YouTube's roll in copyright infringement and whether they should qualify as a "safe harbor" after all.