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Citizen Journalists Get Time with the Candidates

The candidates in the 2008 presidential primary elections seem to have accepted the role and potential that online media has held in recent contests and could maintain this cycle as well.  They have responded by using the Internet to dangle as many hooks in the water as possible, with social networking sites, online video submission, and their own interactive sites.

Today, we see the first example of a candidate speaking directly to a citizen journalist.  The clip is a response to a project known as PrezConference, which encourages direct submission of questions to the candidates via YouTube.  The question was posed by J.D. Lasica, author of Darknet and Advisory Board member of the Center for Citizen Media.

J.D. posted his thoughts and hopes for this new method of interaction on his blog.

The Center for Citizen Media has also just produced "the principles of citizen journalism," which are a great resource for anyone looking to produce fair, accurate, and thorough coverage online.