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Practical Lawyering in Cyberspace

Determining the most effective ways to teach a field that is constantly growing and currently in such great flux is a great challenge.  Harvard Law School has tackled this recently with such courses as CyberOne: Law in the Court of Public Opinion,  Law of the Internet, and most recently with Antitrust, Technology and Innovation, among many others.  Now, as the Harvard Law Bulletin reports, the latest adaptation of Practical Lawyering in Cyberspace is handling mock cases guided by current decisions.

The course is taught by Berkman Executive Director John Palfrey, Clinical Program Co-Director Phil Malone and Berkman Fellow Jeffery Cunard and has students advising ficticious clients on the best ways to navigate the developing areas of cyberlaw and Internet regulation.

With the number of high-profile cases currently in the courts, such as Viacom and Youtube, the RIAA and illegal file sharing, and more, the students should have more than enough to keep them busy.