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Microsoft Discusses Interop, Privacy & More at Berkman Center

Last week the Berkman Center welcomed two members of the Microsoft legal team to the Harvard Law campus to discuss a number of issues relating to both their corporation, as well as the technology industry at-large.

Brad Smith, General Counsel for Microsoft, addressed a crowd of students and visitors on Thursday night on the topic of "Innovation, Interoperability & IP (Intellectual Property)."  The video of the speech and the Q & A that followed, are now available.

Additionally, Associate General Counsel, Ira Rubenstein, joined a small group the following day to articulate the privacy priorities from both the Microsoft and consumer's perspectives.  The video of his presentation, including the response by Berkman Co-Founder Jonathan Zittrain, is available for viewing online.

Berkman Executive Director John Palfrey blogged his thoughts on Ira's presentation, as did Berkman Affiliate Ben Adida on his website.